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Dental Provider Newsletter

January 2022

Your time is valuable to us

If you have been a participating dentist with EMI Health for any length of time, you know we pride ourselves on exceptional service and take that responsibility seriously. Your time is valuable to us, and we make every effort to respond to your calls as quickly as possible.

We are aware that our hold times have been longer than usual recently. Like so many other businesses, we have experienced numerous difficulties staying fully staffed over the last year, which has affected our telephone answer times. We have been working diligently to hire additional customer service representatives and to make other changes to correct the long wait times.

We appreciate your patience as we work through a difficult time for our provider assistance team. You can be assured that we are doing everything in our power to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, remember you have access to much of the information you need 24/7 with no hold time through the My EMI Health portal.