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Medical Provider Newsletter

June 2021

New credentialing criteria for physician assistants

During the 2021 Utah Legislative Session, a bill was passed amending the scope of practice for a physician assistant (PA) and removing the requirement for a licensed PA to have a supervising physician. Certain collaboration requirements remain.

In light of this new law, EMI Health has reviewed its credentialing criteria for PAs and decided to eliminate the supervising physician requirement as well. Applicants must meet all other criteria, including the need for privileges at a participating hospital proximate to their practice. That requirement may be met through a formal, written arrangement with a collaborating physician who is a participating provider with EMI Health.

If you have questions about EMI Health's credentialing criteria or would like to complete an application, please contact your provider relations representative.

Important reminder for all providers

We are committed to providing our members with accurate network information and processing your claims as quickly and accurately as possible. To help with that effort, please notify EMI Health as soon as possible of upcoming address or phone number changes, Tax Identification Number (TIN) additions or changes, or changes in your availability to accept new patients. If you haven't checked your listing on our provider directory recently, visit https://emihealth.com or use the EMI Health mobile app to confirm that your information is correct.