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EMI Health's executive committee develops and implements the strategic plan for the company and oversees its daily operations. The committee members bring expertise in all aspects of the insurance industry and are dedicated to making EMI Health the best partner for health coverage.

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Steve Morrison

Steve Morrison

Chief Executive Officer

Steve joined EMI Health in 2001 and is a dedicated leader and captain. He is responsible for ensuring that the reputation of EMI Health is in excellent standing with employees, partnered providers, groups and customers, and insured members. He has a high standard of integrity and truth; he is well-known for remaining composed and calm during conflict and he actively listens to all sides before making a judgment call. EMI Health’s continued success is largely due to his emphasis on a culture of care for the families we insure and employ. He is patient, focused, and diligent in his responsibilities.

Steve has a B.A. in Accounting and is a Certified Public Accountant. He is also a licensed insurance producer in the state of Utah. Steve is an influential leader in the community as well. He serves on the Junior Achievement and the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce Boards of Directors. He believes in supporting EMI Health customers in their efforts to improve the local community and is regularly attending banquets or fundraisers hosted by educational institutions and local charities.

Mike Greenhalgh

Mike Greenhalgh

Chief Financial Officer

Mike began with EMI Health in 2003. In his position as CFO, he is responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the company. He manages the investments, accounts for risk, manages the budget, and protects EMI Health from changes in the market through forecasting at the industry and economic level. He is a wise, encouraging leader and a valuable asset to EMI Health because of his high standard of ethical conduct and his expressive love of people. He is known for always carefully seeking a solution that benefits the most people, and he cares deeply for the individuals and families that rely on EMI Health.

Mike has a B.S. in Accounting and a Master's of Accounting, both from Weber State University. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Global Management Accountant. He also received an Information Systems Management Certificate. He is a lifetime member of Beta Alpha Psi, a national scholastic and professional fraternity. Mike is a licensed insurance producer for life, accident, property and casualty, and health.

Ryan Lowther

Ryan Lowther

Chief Operating Officer

Ryan holds a B.A. in Finance and has over two decades of experience in the insurance industry. He began with EMI Health in 2005. He coordinates between all departments so the operations of the company are unified towards a common goal, while still working independently.

Ryan is key to the success of EMI Health because he has a level of understanding that is parallel to none. He brings insight and experience from years in accounting, finance, underwriting, and operations that helps him establish more effective and efficient communication. He is energetic, focused, and often comes up with creative ways to streamline processes for a better working environment and better relationships with customers.

Cindy Dunnavant

Cindy Dunnavant

Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Since 2005, Cindy has been a crucial leader at EMI Health and is responsible for accelerated growth in nearly every aspect of the organization. She is a licensed insurance agent and is a member of the Utah Health Insurance Association, National Association of Health Underwriters, and the National Association of Dental Plans. With her years of experience in sales, management, and marketing she leads an excellent team of sales and marketing professionals and is recognized for her expertise in self-funded plans, level-funded plans, dental plans, and emerging markets.

During her time at EMI Health, she has expanded EMI Health membership in Utah while opening additional states and has overseen many product launches and innovations that make EMI Health the company it is today. She has a keen sense for ways to improve the quality and value of the services we offer to our employees, to our customers at the group level, and especially to our members.

Mike Greenhalgh

David Wood

Chief Actuary

David supervises the actuarial and underwriting department while overseeing the pricing for new and renewing groups. He represents the department both internally and with EMI Health clients. He joined EMI Health in 2001 and has spent his career working to ensure that EMI Health remains competitive in the insurance market and actively contributes to the company mission of providing excellent employee benefits at the lowest possible cost. David is a valuable asset because he is skilled in the complexity of risk analyses and financial projections as well as communicating complex data analysis in a useful, straightforward way.

David has a BS degree from Brigham Young University in Statistics with an emphasis in Actuarial Science. He is a proud Fellow with the Society of Actuaries as well as a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

Joe Campbell

Joe Campbell

Chief Information Officer

Joe has been with EMI Health since 1995. He has served in many roles within the organization and he currently manages the IT department, the development of computer systems, and the monitoring of information coming in and out of the company. He has an in-depth knowledge of information systems and an ability to be flexible when responding to the various challenges and changes that occur within the industry. He is a calculated and patient leader, which is crucial in constructing a system that protects hundreds of thousands of members’ personal health information.

He has a B.S. and a Master’s degree in statistics. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Utah Health Information Network.

Brandon Smart

Brandon Smart

Chief Legal Counsel

Since Brandon joined the EMI Health team in 2006, he has been an integral part of the company’s success. Brandon has a commitment to a high standard of integrity and relies on his background in regulation law to fulfill his responsibilities. Brandon ensures that contracts, policies, and procedures at EMI Health are in accordance with current legislation and regulation. He's known for his ability to research options fully and present his recommendations thoughtfully and articulately. Operating with a sense of justice and precision, Brandon strives to provide accuracy and fairness to EMI Health employees, members, and partners.

Brandon has a B.A. in History and a Juris Doctorate degree. He is a licensed attorney with the Utah Bar Association, a notary, and a member of the Society of Human Resource Professionals.