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Dental Provider Newsletter

August 2021

We hear you: satisfaction survey results

Thank you to those of you who participated in our recent satisfaction survey. We appreciate the service you provide to our members. In return, we strive to provide exceptional service to you. So we were particularly pleased to see the high levels of satisfaction among our providers.

We did receive some suggestions for improvement, and we are carefully evaluating each of those.

Thank you for your service to our members. If there is something more we can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact your provider relations representative.

Important reminder

We are committed to providing our members with accurate network information and processing your claims as quickly and accurately as possible. To help with that effort, please notify EMI Health as soon as possible of upcoming address or phone number changes, Tax Identification Number (TIN) additions or changes, or changes in your availability to accept new patients. If you haven't checked your listing on our provider directory recently, visit https://emihealth.com or use the EMI Health mobile app to confirm that your information is correct.