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Medical Provider Newsletter

October 2021

Help your patients maximize benefits by referring in-network

EMI Health's insureds will receive maximum benefits when they are referred to participating providers. As a participating provider, you agree to refer EMI Health insureds to other participating providers and facilities. This includes outpatient surgical centers, radiology, and laboratories.

EMI Health participating laboratories include LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Intermountain Central Laboratory. You may access the most up-to-date provider listing on our website at https://emihealth.com or using the EMI Health mobile app.

In addition, it is important to note that EMI Health requires facilities to be accredited in order to receive payment from an EMI Health plan. Accreditation is a process of review that allows healthcare facilities to demonstrate their ability to meet standards established by a recognized accreditation organization. The accreditation review process looks at organizational structure, policies and procedures, and compliance with state and federal laws, with a focus on patient safety and quality of care. While a facility may not be legally required to obtain accreditation, EMI health requires it in order to receive payment from its health plans.

Important reminder

We are committed to providing our members with accurate network information and processing your claims as quickly and accurately as possible. To help with that effort, please notify EMI Health as soon as possible of upcoming address or phone number changes, Tax Identification Number (TIN) additions or changes, or changes in your availability to accept new patients. If you haven't checked your listing on our provider directory recently, visit https://emihealth.com or use the EMI Health mobile app to confirm that your information is correct.