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Medical Provider Newsletter

Q2 Medical Provider Newsletter

At EMI Health, we're committed to making the claims submission and payment process as efficient as possible for our participating providers. That's why we require electronic data interchange (EDI) for claims submission and offer electronic funds transfer (EFT) for payments.


Get Paid with Ease and Speed

EMI Health is pleased to offer the convenience, savings, and security of EDI and EFT. Claims submitted through EDI have a faster processing time than paper claims, and there is a reduced chance of error.


EDI Claims Submission Requirements

Participating providers are required to submit claims through EDI, except for those that include attachments. Claims with attachments may be mailed to PO Box 21482, Eagan, MN 55121.


EMI Health works with all major clearinghouses that submit through UHIN. Our payer ID is SX110. Some clearinghouses may assign us a custom payer ID. If you are searching by name, we will be listed as EMI Health, EMIA, or Educators Mutual. If you are using a clearinghouse, confirm with them that your claims are being submitted electronically to EMI Health and are not being dropped to paper.


Submitting EDI Claims through UHIN

You also have the option to submit EDI claims directly through the Utah Health Information Network (UHIN). If you are not yet set up to submit claims through UHIN, you will need to obtain a trading partner number from them. You may contact UHIN by visiting www.uhin.org or by phone at 877-693-3071. Once you receive that number, you may begin submitting EDI claims to our UHIN trading partner number, HT000214001.


Enroll in EFT for Payments

Once you are receiving electronic remittance advices (EDI 835) from EMI Health through UHIN, you may also enroll in EFT online. When authorizing electronic funds transfer, you are agreeing that you will no longer receive paper Explanations of Payment (EOPs) for patient account reconciliation; therefore, it is important to ensure you are currently posting electronically using your electronic remittance advices or 835s.


If you are not sure of your 835 status, ask your clearinghouse whether you are enrolled to receive 835 reports from EMI Health. If you are not able to verify this information through your clearinghouse, you may check your enrollment status directly with UHIN by calling 877-693-3071.


If you have any questions, please contact our office at 800-662-5850.