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Medical Provider Newsletter

UHIN Conference Coming Soon!

UHIN Conference

On Nov. 10, UHIN will host their 2022 HIT Conference for healthcare workers. This
conference is an opportunity for providers to gather and collaborate with one another. According
to UHIN's website, the event will focus on the state of patient data sharing and architecture, and
how that affects care delivery and outcomes. Further information and sign- up opportunities
can be found here.

Introducing New Representatives

We are pleased to introduce 3 new provider relations representatives: Anne Meiling, Brynn
Coleman and Kendra Paskett.

Anne Meiling earned a bachelor of science degree in sociology from the University of Utah. After
working previously as a senior compliance coordinator, she has joined our team at EMI Health
supporting our providers in the Rural Region.

Brynn Coleman studied at Weber State University and is currently covering the Central Region-
North Area. Brynn is extroverted at heart and is thrilled to be working with our incredible

Kendra Paskett covers the Central Region- South and Utah County Region- North. Having
previous experience in Provider Relations, she is thrilled to begin working alongside our providers
here at EMI.

For a full listing of EMI Health provider relations representatives and their contact information, visit
our website.