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September 2021

Procedures that require supporting documentation

There are times when a claim form by itself does not contain sufficient information for EMI Health to process the member's benefits accurately. In those situations, EMI Health will request additional information.

There are some procedures that routinely require supporting documentation. You can help us process your claim more efficiently by submitting the claim and supporting documentation together when any of the following procedures are included:

Claims with attachments may be submitted through the Claim Submission portal on EMI Health's website or through the postal service to 5101 South Commerce Drive, Murray, Utah 84107.

If your claim doesn't include the codes listed above, the most efficient way to submit your claim is through EDI without attachments. Our payer ID number is SX110. If we need additional information, we will request it. Including unnecessary attachments upfront will only slow down your claim. 

If you have any questions about claims, benefits, or eligibility, contact our Provider Assist team at cs@emihealth.com or 800-644-5411.