Federal Marketplace/Exchange


Talk to a doctor anytime, anywhere, completely for free

Save time and money

Our TeleMed benefit is here to make getting quality health care easier to access and significantly cheaper for you.


Imagine no longer needing to change out of your comfy clothes to speak with a doctor. No more waiting shoulder to shoulder with the guy who you’re pretty sure has the plague. No arctic-temperature stethoscope on your chest or back.

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You could change your clothes, drive to the doctor’s office, wait for an hour, see the doctor for 15 minutes, and drive home... OR...

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No copay. No coinsurance. No fees. Members have unlimited TeleMedicine consultations at no cost.

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Social Responsibility

For minor illnesses and ailments (see below), using TeleMedicine helps free up the healthcare system for those who cannot be treated via TeleMedicine.

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Imagine no longer needing to change out of your comfy clothes to speak with a doctor. No more waiting shoulder to shoulder with the guy who you’re pretty sure has the plague. No arctic-temperature stethoscope on your chest or back.

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You could change your clothes, drive to the doctor’s office, wait for an hour, see the doctor for 15 minutes, and drive home... OR...

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No copay. No coinsurance. No fees. Members have unlimited TeleMedicine consultations at no cost.

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Social Responsibility

For minor illnesses and ailments (see below), using TeleMedicine helps free up the healthcare system for those who cannot be treated via TeleMedicine.

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How to use TeleMedicine

First, register your account through our TeleMed vendor, Recuro Health. You may need your EMI Health member ID number found on your insurance ID card.

Then, you can call 1-877-872-0370 or download the Recuro mobile app to schedule a virtual consultation with a physician in as little as 10 minutes.

Register Your TeleMed account
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When can you use TeleMedicine?

TeleMedicine is best for diagnosing non-emergent medical conditions and prescribing medications when clinically appropriate.

Did you know about 70% of doctor visits can be handled over the phone, and 40% of urgent care visits can be managed using TeleMedicine? You have unlimited free consultations as a member with EMI Health, so call TeleMed anytime you need guidance on a non-emergency condition or you need a refill on common prescriptions.

Day or night, you have access to board-certified physicians who are happy to help.

Common Medications

Ibuprofen 800 mg

Common Conditions

Acid Reflux
Bladder Infection
Cold & Flu
See more conditions